Travel Guide

Travel Guide

Very high risk travel destinations
Countries with known and aggressive intelligence activities targeting Western research institutions and companies:
High risk travel destinations
Countries with significant intelligence activities that may pose a threat to Danish universities and researchers:
Medium risk travel destinations
Consider non-EU countries not mentioned above as medium risk travel destinations.
Low risk travel destinations
Countries with limited or no known espionage threats against Denmark:
Risk Landscape
Your research
It is important to be aware of potential risks that may arise due to your research areas and the geopolitical situation. Preparation and knowledge of these risks can help protect both you and your research during international travel.
Research areas of particular interest
- Danish or foreign security procedures, such as defense research.
- Danish or foreign commercial activities or the development of valuable intellectual property.
- STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) research and critical technologies.
- Health and personal data on populations (e.g., genetics).
- Politically sensitive contexts (both national and international).
Your access to partners
You may be at risk if it is perceived that your research or position provides access to information about other researchers, your institution, private companies, or the Danish state, which could potentially be exploited.
Your travel destination
Danish researchers have the distinct privilege of entry access to many countries worldwide. While many of these countries are safe, others pose risks. There is a difference between traveling to Berlin and traveling to Beijing.